Monday, January 16, 2012

Ode to my ipod

Dear my ipod

I miss you alot. I am keep thinking you. It's very hard to live without you. I played with you FIFA series, mordern combat, and monopoly for a year. I want to play these games with you. Sometimes you won from me with high ability.

I really want to see you. I miss you alot. It's very sorry to say you, i'm playing with my friend's iphone. I'm having fun with it. The spec is lower than you, but it's too fun

I lost my ode, so i need to write more

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Viral Video; Numa Numa

This video is Numa Numa. This viral video was made in 2004. He sang "Numa Numa song based on  Dragostea din tei by O-Zone. His name is Gary Brolsma. He posted  this video in December 2004 on new This video makes people to do "Numa Numa contest" sponsored by Brolsma. His original video was selected 41st in the 2006 funniest videos. And 40 million views its original track, include copies, 700 million views were recorded.

 Let' talk more about Gary Brolsma. He was born in January 14th, 1986 in New Jersey. He is famous for Numa Numa Guy. an American singer who gained worldwide attention after posting onto the Internet, near the end of 2004. He did lipsyncing the lyrics "nu mă, nu mă iei",moving his head, shoulders and arms gesticulating to the music in an animated and earnest manner.

His dancing was in the several episodes of the NCIS, and in the 2008 "Canada on Strike" episode of the animated TV comedy South ParkIn 2006, Korean singer Yoo Hyun Young performed her version, releasing it as "Noona's (Big Sister's) Dream". These prove how much Numa Numa is popular.

There are more perody videos like numa numa. Some navies made the version "navy numa numa". Kid reacted like Gary.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Diamante Poem

Awesome  fantastic
3pts shooting   Dashing   Jumping
Reverse layups  Dunks AmericanAirlinesArena NBA
Winning      Bothering     Making fun
Great  Powerful
Miami Heat